Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dutchsinse | 2/7/2012 -- Radiation Test DIRECTLY at Byron Illinois Nuclear Power Plant

Today, we drove into the mouth of the beast -- Location : 1/4 mile south of the Byron Illinois Nuclear power plant. We passed within a few hundred feet of the structures. Got some GREAT shots of the steam venting near the reactor buildngs.
This nuclear plant 'vented' clouds of steam laced with tritium this past week -- the clouds were blown by prevailing winds over downtown Chicago, IL. Thus the reason for this measurement taking trip. Todays levels near the plant directly are below the alert level of 100CPM -- but a full 20CPM above downtown Chicago (those tests will be uploaded later tonight).
Todays measurements averaged between 45cpm and 48cpm. Several more to still be processed and uploaded.. most averaging in the 50CPM range..
Many thanks to internatonal medcom for the 2nd Inspector Alert geiger counter. Here is a link to their site (they are the manufacturer of the Inspector Alert geiger ) http://medcom.com/
These 'mid level' readings -- half way to the alert level of 100CPM--- leads me to believe that the tritium is dissipating as expected -- however some elevated amounts still remain.