Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dutchsinse | 2/9/2012 -- Science Scandal near Scientology Vault -- USGS censors Wyoming Earthquake

Like it never happened....
Here is the website post with screenshots of the USGS feed BEFORE being deleted from the list --- also a google earth overview of the area.
In the vicinity of the earthquake epicenter is a VERY large coal mining operation, a dormant volcanic cone, fracking/oil well drilling sites, and also the Scientology bunker / vault. the only thing missing from the equation is a nuclear power plant.
Be safe if you live in the area! The signs of movement along the edge of the craton (laurentia) are picking up. Link above has information on the craton movement as well.
Always have your plans, be prepared ----- the motto applies now more than ever ----- "don't be scared .. be prepared! ".