Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dutchsinse | 2/5/2012 -- ALERT! Nuclear Power Plant in Moscow Russia BURNS -- experimental physics institute

ALERT to the people of the world !! THIS IS NOT GOOD NEWS: post with links to the story and video.. also DOZENS of radiation monitoring links :
Three nuclear power plants THIS PAST WEEK --- chicago (byron illinois nuclear plant), san diego (san onofre nuclear plant), and now moscow russia -- experimental physics nuclear plant.
This is all on TOP of the Fukushima meltdown from March 2011.
BE AWARE -- have some detoxification plans in place and operation. Im not a medical doctor -- this is up to you to source out and find the best detoxification methods. But now, at this point -- I am personally cleansing the system with Rosemary Tea and eating sea kelp on an intermittent basis.
Use the link above to find ALL the radiation monitoring links I have assembled -- most areas are covered with geiger counter detection systems.. USA, EU, Asia, Canada.
Be safe everyone, and pray they get this under control quickly.