Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dutchsinse | 5/2/2012 - Scalar / Sawtooth / Circle Sweep outbreak = PA OH WV IN KY IL WI MN IA NE

Website post here with screenshots of areas to watch for the next 24-48 hours... possibly 72hrs.
Based upon past similar occurrences , Damaging winds, Hail, and possible tornadoes will most likely occur in these frequency injected areas.... usually the strongest parts of the storms hit the "shaped" epicenter.
Specific towns are named on the website post.. overall ... I would watch : Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska..
Several past examples of forecast confirmations correct / areas being directly hit as expected:
here is a full explanation of what I have found so far, and what I think may be happening: