Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dutchsinse | 5/3/2012 -- Severe Weather UPDATE -- N/S/E/W -- USA be alert = Chicago to Boston now

Most recent update post here with screenshots:
use the links here to monitor the daily nation-wide severe weather situations:
Severe weather -- Damaging winds, Hail, and Possible tornadoes... Whether you're in the North , South, East, or West USA --- either you have been under strong cells, or will be soon.
From the Pacific Northwest USA -- Washington State, Idaho to the Northeast / New England ... strong storms.. damaging winds, hail, and possible tornadoes have broken out east and south of North Dakota... going down through Nebraska, and Iowa into Missouri and Illinois.
Also south Texas, up into Oklahoma --- we are seeing new lines of storms break out -- producing large hail and damaging winds already.
Overall, watch out in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, New York State, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts heading NE towards Maine.
Also watch for the next few days the NEW scalar square / AMISR sawtooth areas... listed here : here is the most recent set of screenshots showing the areas I am watching out for additional severe weather to develop: