Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jim Sinclair's MineSet | Unprecedented Challenges In Financial History

Posted: Feb 09 2010 By: Jim Sinclair Post Edited: February 9, 2010 at 12:26 am

Filed under: General Editorial

My Dear Extended Family,

I doubt there has ever been a time in financial history when there has been challenges of this magnitude.

This is not business as usual in any form.

When have financial meetings been so top secret?
When has the military cordon off financial meetings?
When have F-18s, F-22s and French Rafales provided air support (as the Swiss did for the Davos seminar) for two central bank meetings in the last few weeks as the USA and Australia did?

Don’t accept terrorism as an excuse for everything that remains unexplained. There are so many lies and so much misinformation out there that the task of figuring out what is real is a daunting task.

I implore you to go for safety in everything you do. How can you go wrong hunkering down?

Do not speculate.

You cannot out trade these people nor can you read their intentions by charts. Both are impossibilities.

Do not deal on borrowed money. Secure you and yours. Take delivery of your precious metals and share certificates.

We are in unchartered seas of international financial turmoil. The mega rich have no loyalty to anyone or anything.

I know some of them, made one of them from scratch, and I assure you would put their mothers in a microwave for the right price. This is a financial world war taking place behind top secret meetings that are deciding our fate while not even knowing they are out of control.

I can’t change this but I can do my best to protect you.
