Monday, February 15, 2010

Toxins in our food supply; foods meant to nourish us could be killing us

Dr. Oz says we are in a worldwide crisis due to the toxic pollution in our food supply. New studies show that we are more at risk now than ever before. The environmental crisis is now affecting our food through mercury, pesticides and bisphenol A. These toxins can wreak havoc on our bodies, causing damage to vital organs as well as cancer.

Mercury High levels of mercury can lead to developmental problems in babies. It can also damage the heart, kidneys and brains of adults. 8% of women have dangerously elevated levels of mercury in their blood. 90% of the mercury comes from fish. An EPA study found mercury in every freshwater fish that was tested. There has been no safe level of mercury found in humans.

Mercury Poisoning

  • fatigue
  • headache
  • trouble thinking
  • tremors
  • unsteady gait

Pesticides Has been known to cause cancer and ravage the nervous system. Nearly 1/3 of all fruits and vegetables sold in the U.S. are coated with pesticides. Dr. Alan Greene advised the public not to panic and stop eating fruits and vegetables because they are good for you. Pesticides can be directly toxic or neurotoxins. The higher the levels of pesticide that were found in children involved in a study in New York showed the kids had higher incidences of ADHD, autism, and learning disabilities. In a study with animals that were fed the same diet and had same exercise plan, those exposed to pesticides weighed 10% more. Dr. Green recommends eating organic fruits and vegetables as it does lower your exposure to pesticides.

Bisphenol A
Has been linked to ovarian cancer, breast cancer and diabetes. 93% of Americans have BPA in their bodies from plastics. More information on what to look for, safe alternatives and how to cut your exposure of BPA.

How to limit exposure to toxins

  • Buy organic (it is more expensive but to save costs stick to organic apples and potatoes because of the higher amount of consumption and higher levels of pesticides). It has also been advised to purchase organic fruits and vegetables that are thinned skinned due to the risk of the pesticides contaminating the inside
  • Eat fish lower in mercury (salmon) (eat younger, smaller fish like herring and sardines) Avoid or eat rarely: Ahi tuna, swordfish, tilefish. Albacore tuna had more mercury than chunk light tuna. Chunk light tuna is ok twice a week. Albacore once a week. It can be canned or pouch.
  • Choose fresh when possible. Frozen is second best. Choose boxes, glass or alternative packaging over cans.

For organic foods in Norfolk, visit Organic Food Depot.

More information: Healthy foods,Top Ten Superfoods and Eat This, Not That and Toxins in your home.